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A Quick and Easy Guide on How to Send Bitcoin on Cash App

Sending money online is super easy these days. Need to split a dinner tab or pay your friend back? Done in a few clicks. And if you want to send Bitcoin, it’s basically like passing a digital note, but way cooler.

This guide will walk you through sending Bitcoin on Cash App. Let’s get started!

So, what exactly is Bitcoin?

Imagine this: it’s not like the cash in your wallet or gold in a safe. Bitcoin is digital money, living on the internet. It uses a special system called blockchain, invented back in 2009 by a mysterious person (or group) known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

You can use Bitcoin for all sorts of things – online shopping, investing, or even sending it across the world. The cool thing is, it’s not controlled by any bank or government, and you can send it to anyone without needing a middleman. It might sound a bit wild, but Bitcoin is changing the way we think about money and giving the financial world a bit of a shake-up.

Okay, now that you’ve got the basics, let’s see how to actually send Bitcoin on Cash App!

How to Send Bitcoin on Cash App

Alright, so you want to send some Bitcoin using Cash App? Easy peasy! Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Cash App and head to investing: Fire up the app on your phone and look for the investing tab – it’s usually the second icon from the right at the bottom, kinda looks like a graph. Tap it!
  2. Find the Bitcoin section: You’ll see different options like stocks, but you want Bitcoin. Tap on it to check out how much you have and what it’s worth. See those buttons at the bottom? Tap “send/receive.”
  3. Tap “send Bitcoin”: A menu pops up, but you want to “send Bitcoin,” so tap that.
  4. Enter how much you want to send: It’ll show you your Bitcoin total. Punch in the amount and hit “withdraw.”
  5. Put in the recipient’s Bitcoin address: You gotta tell Cash App where to send it. Type the address in carefully, or if they have a QR code, scan that.
  6. Double-check everything: It’ll show you a summary of your transaction. Make sure everything is right because once you confirm, you can’t undo it! Tap “Confirm” if it all looks good.

Boom! You just sent some Bitcoin! Remember, Bitcoin transactions are final, so always double-check everything. And keep your Bitcoin wallet safe and sound, just like you would with your regular wallet.


Can I transfer Bitcoin to Cash App?

Absolutely! You can either deposit it from another wallet, buy it directly on Cash App, or follow the steps we just covered.

Does Cash App have a Bitcoin address?

Yes, it does! It uses something called a P2WPKH Segwit address. You can find yours by tapping “Money” then “Bitcoin” on your Cash App home screen.

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