Fat Pig Signals: How They Earned the Sapphire Badge

04. December, 2023

Fat Pig Signals: How They Earned the Sapphire Badge

Reliable and accurate signals are crucial to successfully navigating the complex market. Among all signal providers, Fat Pig Signals has not only proven itself, but has also attracted the attention of traders seeking consistent profitability.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. The name might not scream, “trust me with your hard-earned money,” but hear me out. Fat Pig Signals has managed to earn the prestigious Sapphire Badge, making them the crème de la crème of signal providers. 

About Fat Pig Signals

Fat Pig Signals emerged in 2016 from the discussions of a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts who shared a passion for daily crypto analysis. Over the years, this community has flourished, with the addition of a YouTube livestream in 2017, showcasing their Bitcoin trading algorithm 24/7. 

The Telegram group, established the same year, has grown exponentially, becoming a hub for traders seeking daily market insights. In 2018, they introduced a VIP service, solidifying their commitment to delivering top-quality cryptocurrency content and analysis.

Expertise at Your Fingertips

Fat Pig Signals understands the challenges faced by traders, especially beginners who may find it overwhelming to navigate the intricate world of cryptocurrency. In response, they offer a VIP service that goes beyond signals, providing in-depth analysis, research, portfolio strategies, and recommendations on new projects and yield farming opportunities.

GoSafire Sapphire Badge: The Ultimate Standard of Trust

The Sapphire Badge, awarded to Fat Pig Signals by goSafire, stands for the highest level of trust and credibility. To receive this badge, signal providers must undergo a rigorous auditing and verification process covering various aspects of their operations. Criteria include trading performance, transparency, customer support, user satisfaction, security practices, and longevity and stability in the crypto signals market.

Let’s delve into why Fat Pig Signals stands out and passes the rigorous criteria set by the GoSafire Sapphire Badge:

1. Trading Performance

Fat Pig Signals demonstrates an impressive and consistent track record of successful trading signals over an extended period. Their signals for both Bitcoin and a diverse range of altcoins exhibit a precision that aligns with the highest standards expected for the Sapphire Badge. Traders who have subscribed to their services have reported substantial profits, showcasing the effectiveness of their signals.

2. Transparency

Transparency is a cornerstone of Fat Pig Signals’ approach. From the initiation of their YouTube livestream in 2017, providing a 24/7 insight into their Bitcoin trading algorithm, to their daily market updates on Telegram, they have consistently communicated their trading strategies and results. The team prioritizes openness about potential risks associated with their signals, creating a transparent and trustworthy environment for their users.

3. Customer Support

Fat Pig Signals offers prompt, effective and reliable customer support, a crucial aspect for any successful signal provider. The response time of their professional team to user queries ensures a seamless experience for subscribers. This commitment to customer support is consistent with the Sapphire Badge’s emphasis on providing a high level of service that goes beyond signal accuracy.

4. User Satisfaction

User satisfaction is evident through the acclaim and positive feedback from traders who have benefited from Fat Pig Signals’ services. The celebration of accurate calls, substantial growth, and the fundamental focus on coins reflects a community of satisfied users. This positive sentiment among their user base contributes to meeting the Sapphire Badge criteria.

5. Longevity and Stability

Fat Pig Signals, established in 2016, has showcased substantial longevity and stability in the crypto signal market. The continuous growth of their Telegram group, the maintenance of a YouTube livestream since 2017, and the introduction of their VIP service in 2018 all contribute to their enduring presence. This operational history positions them as a reliable and stable player in the industry, meeting the Sapphire Badge’s criteria for longevity and stability.

Why Fat Pig Signals Deserves the Sapphire Badge

  • Strategic Signals: Fat Pig Signals has consistently provided precise trading signals for Bitcoin and a diverse range of popular altcoins. Their meticulous technical analysis empowers traders to make well-informed decisions, demonstrating a level of expertise that aligns with the Sapphire Badge standards.
  • Strengths: The precision in their technical analysis, stellar reputation within the crypto community, and impressive profitability of nearly 50% with an accuracy rate of 80% showcase their commitment to excellence. This aligns seamlessly with the criteria for the Sapphire Badge.
  • User’s Acclaim:  Traders celebrate their winning spot-on calls and substantial growth. Their research and market expertise shine. Plus, their fundamental focus is top-notch. They prioritize fundamental coins, unlocking substantial rewards for patient investors. Lastly, they have responsive support. The professional team swiftly addresses queries, ensuring a seamless experience.

Remember, while Fat Pig Signals seems to thrive in all market conditions, prudent decision-making remains essential. Explore their exclusive insights and ride the crypto wave with confidence.


In conclusion, Fat Pig Signals not only meets but exceeds the criteria set by the GoSafire Sapphire Badge. Their exceptional trading performance, transparency, commitment to customer support, high user satisfaction, adherence to security best practices, and substantial operational history all contribute to their deserving recognition. 

By consistently providing strategic signals and comprehensive services, Fat Pig Signals has established itself as a trustworthy guide for traders navigating the crypto space. 

Cautionary Note:

Scams Awareness: There have been instances of scammers impersonating many of the groups listed on https://gosafire.com/. Users should verify official channels and avoid falling for fraudulent schemes.


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